Thursday 10 December 2015


What is a conglomerates? A thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together. One example of a conglomerate is LVMH. LVMH is one of the biggest and leading multinational luxury goods conglomerates. It was formed by the merger of fashion house Louis Vuitton. It controls about 60 subsidiaries. LVMH owns brands such as; Celine, Givenchy, Dior, benefit, Fendi and etc.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Fashion Revolution

Why do we need a fashion revolution?

"There were five garment factories in Rana Plaza all manufacturing clothing for the western market. The victims were mostly young women. We believe that 1,133 is too many people to lose from the planet in one building, on one terrible day to not stand up and demand change."

Over 1,113 young woman were believed to have past in this crisis, seems to me too many people to loose form the planet in one building. Since this day, people all over the world have come together to take a stand against fashion. This all happened because of the high demand from high street brands, so this revolution is to try and get them to change there work ethic or in fact to get the consumers to change their ways of there demand for high street fashion, instead of having loads of cheap high street clothes, have a few high end clothes.

The way the fashion revolution is going to be promoted is by setting a trend where by you take a selfie with the label showing and tagging the brand on social media with the hashtag #whomademyclothes

Some examples:

 And now from my attempt;

Brighton & Independent Stores

Today we had the task of visiting Brighton and the independent shops that are there, what's the difference between New Bond Street to The Lanes in Brighton? The main different I found was that The Lanes in Brighton were filled with completely different independent stores, it would go from a clothes shop, to a tea room and then on to a jewelry shop. Where as in up in London, street like New Bond Street for example were high end clothes shops after high end clothes shops. Where as in Brighton it was a massive mix match.

They also have promotion on a low where as up London everything is very commercial. To promote there brand they used fliers and the logo or brand name of there shop on a bored outside but apart from that, they were very to themselves.

Being a Flaneur In London

Today we traveled around London with the task to 'Become A Flaneur', it consisted of getting given a sheet of direction to follow and different streets/shop to visit. I personally found this extremely interesting as we got to go into boutiques and flag ship stores that I hadn't necessarily ever thought about adventuring into. My favourite thing about going on this trip around London, was seeing the set up of different shop inside and what gives that brand its stamp? Everything was perfect right down to the minuet detail, all polished and clean. I also loved looking at the new collection, what was in colour and style wise. I felt like this experience has given me a good concept of what the differences is between different brands and has also opened my eyes up to brands I was never as keen on. 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Five Ways Of Networking

Step One: Get Work In Retails

Step Two: Get On Social Network

Step Three: Get Out There, Talk To People

Step Four: Family and Friends?

Step Five: Think People, Not Positions

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Mademoiselle Privé

The Chanel exhibition wasn't what I thought it would be, lets just say. There were a lot of good qualities to it, yet there were equally, in my opinion, a lot of bad qualities. The downfall of the Mademoiselle Privé experience all happened when I was unable to get the app to download onto my phone- this was half my fault as I should have done it before I'd left for the exhibition, however, it wasn't advertised that there was an app and what app you needed to download. Although, I wasn't the only one in the queue that was frantically trying to download the app, some managed to, but I was part of the queue witch unfortunatley didn't manage to download the app, which meant I spent the whole experience looking over peoples shoulders trying to see what animations would pop up on the app. Although this made the exhibition a lot harder to understand, there were a lot of qualities I liked. I really enjoyed that fact that there weren't just clothes to look at, they had perfume making workshops going on, gardens to sit and chat it and also a bit of a history lesson.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Diversity In Models

Who is to say that all models should be white, tall, skinny and blue eyed? Why can't we have more diversity in our magazine which would end in making everything a lot more interesting to look at. For example, H&M have recently released a campaign (where by they are trying to get customers to recycle there clothes. I personally love this ad as it couldn't show more diversity if it tried. It has very type of person in it from old to young, black to white, curly hair to straight. It also includes the beautiful Maria Hidrissi, h&m's first muslim model,which for me, is so much more interesting to look at rather then the pretty blonde we have all been trying to be for years.

H&M close the loop campaign: