Wednesday 25 November 2015

Fashion Revolution

Why do we need a fashion revolution?

"There were five garment factories in Rana Plaza all manufacturing clothing for the western market. The victims were mostly young women. We believe that 1,133 is too many people to lose from the planet in one building, on one terrible day to not stand up and demand change."

Over 1,113 young woman were believed to have past in this crisis, seems to me too many people to loose form the planet in one building. Since this day, people all over the world have come together to take a stand against fashion. This all happened because of the high demand from high street brands, so this revolution is to try and get them to change there work ethic or in fact to get the consumers to change their ways of there demand for high street fashion, instead of having loads of cheap high street clothes, have a few high end clothes.

The way the fashion revolution is going to be promoted is by setting a trend where by you take a selfie with the label showing and tagging the brand on social media with the hashtag #whomademyclothes

Some examples:

 And now from my attempt;

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