Tuesday 27 October 2015

Mademoiselle Privé

The Chanel exhibition wasn't what I thought it would be, lets just say. There were a lot of good qualities to it, yet there were equally, in my opinion, a lot of bad qualities. The downfall of the Mademoiselle Privé experience all happened when I was unable to get the app to download onto my phone- this was half my fault as I should have done it before I'd left for the exhibition, however, it wasn't advertised that there was an app and what app you needed to download. Although, I wasn't the only one in the queue that was frantically trying to download the app, some managed to, but I was part of the queue witch unfortunatley didn't manage to download the app, which meant I spent the whole experience looking over peoples shoulders trying to see what animations would pop up on the app. Although this made the exhibition a lot harder to understand, there were a lot of qualities I liked. I really enjoyed that fact that there weren't just clothes to look at, they had perfume making workshops going on, gardens to sit and chat it and also a bit of a history lesson.

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