Friday 2 October 2015

Louis Vuitton Experience

The highlight of today consisted of a trip down to see the Louis Vuitton 'Experience'- I put the word experience in apostrophe due to the fact that even thou it showcases lots of artwork and their history, it isn't an exhibition, it was an experience of the brand. From the minuet you walked in the building you are greeted by these very glamourous  ladies wearing an all-black outfit, with shiny, slicked back hair and glossy red lips. While I was standing there after running for about 20 minuets all over london to find the experience, so I wouldn't be late on my first day, with my hair like I had just walked out of a bush and my make-up which was no-exsistant after the wind had blown it off and the sweat had allowed it melt off my face- I looked right at home. After being greeted you we're then sent into the experience which again, was very glamourous glossy white floor, bright lighting, cream carpets; it was as if you were in Louis Vuitton's office. Overall I really enjoyed the experience as it made me feel apart of the brand; from watching people making LV clutches, to looking at the runway. It made me feel, in a way, special.


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