Thursday 15 October 2015

How To Be A Professional

Becoming a professional really isn't as hard as it seems, all you have to do is follow 10 easy steps;

Step 1: BE ON TIME. There is nothing worse than being late to a job/internship as this gives a very bad first impression.

Step 2: BE EAGER AND BECOME A SPONGE.  Being eager just means you are internally driven and always are willing to learn new things. 

"You learn something new every day"

Step 3: DON'T SAY NO TO OVER TIME, NIGHTS & WEEKENDS. Even if you feel like you've had a hard week of work and all you want to do is let your hair down. Think again, this is your time to shine and show your bosses/mangers that you are willing to give up anything for this job.

Step 4: HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE. If you think of your colleagues as your worst nightmare, you won't get very far in your profession. Your colleagues are your new best friends and you must be the sweat, smiling new girl/boy that everyone loves.

Step 5: DRESS APPROPRIATELY. Of course go ahead and express yourself, however, save some clothes for the weekends.

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